Alexander Periosteal Elevator

Xelpov’s Alexander Periosteal Elevator is a specialized surgical instrument that thoracic surgeons commonly use to scrape periosteum and other hard tissues from the desired rib, in order to perform transcostal incisions.

  • Double-Ended Profile for Scraping Tissues with Ease.
  • Mallet-Shaped Tip for Gouging Bone Surfaces.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Maximum Control.

The Alexander Periosteal Elevator offers a wide array of surgical advantages in thoracic surgeries. These advantages are ideal for gaining access to the kidneys and perform nephrectomy or adrenalectomy.

For this purpose, the elevator features a reliable double-ended design connected by a central handle. Moreover, one tip consists of a curved chisel and the other has a mallet-shape. Also, the mallet tip has two sharp gouges for scraping and debulking bony tissue.

As a result, surgeons can use the device to gain access to the kidney by opening a transcostal incision through the bed of the 12th rib. In addition, the instrument features a solid handle with a thumb recess for minimizing fatigue.

All our Alexander Periosteal Elevators are available in premium grade stainless steel, ensuring a long-lasting experience for your surgical staff.

Additional information
Author Name




Main Category



Handle Type

Solid Handle

Overall Length

21 cm – 8 ¼"




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




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