American Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 217

The Xelpov’s American Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 217 is a surgical instrument used to extract Lower Molars.

  • Ergonomic Handle Design To Decrease Effort
  • Light Weight To Provide Maximum Comfort
  • Horizontal Polished Hinge Providing Extremely Easy Movement
  • Pointed Beaks Ensuring A Tight Grasp
SKU: DS-311-17

Our American Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 217 guarantees the easiest tooth extraction procedure.

The long, sharp and pointed beaks ensure  a tight grasp of the tooth.

The working end of this instrument is designed with a sharp bend, enabling it to reach deep into the socket to grab the tooth and minimize the chance of slippage or fracture.

The horizontally designed hinge of our instrument is state of the art. With a completely smooth finish and no visible screws, very easy mobility is ensured minimizing effort and fatigue, as well as increasing the lifetime of the joint.

The ergonomically designed grip handles offers the operator the easiest and most comfortable grip of the instrument due to the serrated grip area.

Made from premium quality Stainless Steel, our American Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 217 has increased lifetime and unlimited re-usability.


Additional Information



Main Category


Handle Type

Grip Handle




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




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