Basic Cannula Set

Xelpov Surgical’s Liposuction Cannulas & Accessories including Harvester, Injector & Infiltration cannulas are designed for successful cosmetic & reconstructive procedures.
Our Suggested Cannula Sets are designed by Famous Plastic Surgeons around the Globe for Fat Harvesting & Re-injecting.

Our sets are available for purchase both as standard configurations or as a source of inspiration for designing your own customized sets to meet your specific clinical requirements. With the flexibility to adapt these sets according to your needs, you can ensure optimal efficiency and effectiveness in your practice.

SKU: LS-Set-001

Xelpov Surgical’s Basic Cannula Set – Comprehensive has quickly become one of our best-selling sets, highly favored by plastic surgeons worldwide.

Our Basic Cannula Set is specifically designed to meet the needs of office-based liposuction and lipo-filling procedures. This set’s exceptional quality and precision ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.

Sr. #Description of Cannula# of Units
1Tumescent infiltrator, Luer Lock, 1.5mm x 15cm01
2Tumescent infiltrator, Luer Lock, 2.0mm x 20cm01
3Aggressive Harvester-Both End Sharp, Ultra Luer Lock, 2.0mm 15cm01
4Aggressive Harvester-Both End Sharp, Ultra Luer Lock, 2.5mm 20cm01
53 Spiral Ports Harvester, Ultra Luer Lock, 2.5mm 15cm01
6Single Port Blunt Tip Injector, Ultra Luer Lock, 0.7mm x 5cm01
7Single Port Blunt Tip Injector, Ultra Luer Lock, 0.9mm x 5cm01
9Single Port Blunt Tip Injector, Ultra Luer Lock, 1.2mm x 6cm01
10Single Port Blunt Tip Injector, Ultra Luer Lock, 1.2mm x 8cm01
11Syringe Caps, Stainless Steel05
12Decanting Syringe Stand for 10cc Syringes01
13Decanting Syringe Stand for 20cc Syringes01
14Anaerobic Transfer, Luer to Luer 1.2mm01
16Anaerobic Transfer, Luer to Luer 1.4mm01
17Anaerobic Transfer, Luer to Luer 2.4mm01

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