Ochsner Trocar


Xelpov’s Ochsner Trocar is a specialized device that surgeons in multiple areas use to withdraw fluids from collapsed cavities, to eliminate pathological pressure.

  • Sharp-Pointed Tip Promoting Atraumatic Punctures
  • Equipped with a Cannula for Withdrawing Fluids with Ease
  • Screw Mechanism for Opening a Suction Window

The Ochsner Trocar offers a wide array of surgical advantages. Its principal use is to permit the drainage of fluids from a collapsed cavity to a container during paracentesis or other procedures.

To this end, this Gall Bladder Trocar features a sharp-pointed tip that allows for incising soft tissues with precision. In addition, the tip is available in multiple diameters, which range from 4.0 to 8.6mm. As a result, surgeons can perform small or large punctures according to the surgical approach.

Moreover, the Ochsner Trocar features a cannula for withdrawing fluids with efficiency. Also, surgeons manipulate an obturator to open a suction space to perform paracentesis and other similar procedures.

Xelpov’s Gall Bladder Trocars are manufactured in premium-grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality instruments in your operating rooms.

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Overall Length

14 cm – 5 ½"




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




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