Sloane LASEK Epi-Dissector

Xelpov’s Sloane LASEK Epi-Dissector is a specialized ophthalmic device that assists surgeons in the manipulation and dissection of the corneal epithelium, specifically during LASEK surgical procedures.

  • Atraumatic Spatula-Shaped Tip For Preventing Local Damage.
  • Resilient Short Shanks For Reaching Narrow Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Surgical Control.

The Sloane LASEK Epi-Dissector brings important advantages to the ophthalmic surgical field. These advantages play a vital role during laser procedures, such as LASEK surgery.

Firstly, the instrument has a spatula-shaped tip that features semi-sharp edges. Moreover, surgeons can use the spatula to create a small incision in the corneal epithelium. The result of the incision is the corneal flap hinge, which creates access to the stromal tissue.

Secondly, the dissector has an angled shank. Also, the shank is short and easily adapts to the cornea’s convexity.

Thirdly, the dissector’s round handle comes with vertical ridges. This feature ensures optimal gripping and prevents fatigue.

Lastly, all our Sloane LASEK Epi-Dissectors are available in premium grade stainless steel.

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Working End Details

Spatulated Tip With Semi-Sharp Edges

Working End Profile


Handle Type

Solid Round Handle

Overall Length

11.5 cm – 4 ½"




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




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