Spirit Lamp


Xelpov’s Spirit Lamp is a specialized device that the laboratory staff commonly uses to light up an open flame from different chemical solutions, such as denatured alcohol, methylated spirits and isopropanol.

  • 120ccm Capacity for Optimal Volume Holding
  • 3 Different Patterns to Suit All Applications
  • Includes Cap for Extinguishing Flames with Safety

The Spirit Lamp offers a wide range of surgical advantages. Its principal use is to withhold chemical substances that the operator burns to create an open flame during laboratory procedures.

For this purpose, the instrument features a cylindrical profile with a 120ccm volume capacity. As a result, the laboratory staff can use the device as a receptacle for moderate amounts of alcohol and methylated solutions.

Moreover, the Spirit Lamp features a cap for extinguishing the flame with optimal safety. Also, the cap is available in different cap shapes and patterns to suit all necessities.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel with a fine satin finish that reduces glare.

Additional information

Main Category

Overall Size

120 ccm




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




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