Mollison Tonsil Dissector and Retractor

Xelpov’s Mollison Tonsil Dissector and Retractor assists surgeons to dissect and retract the tonsils in order to perform safe tonsillectomy procedures.

  • Central handle for balanced movements.
  • Slender profile facilitates surgical access.
  • Two blades for optimal dissection and hemostasis.

The Xelpov’s Mollison Tonsil Dissector and Retractor enables doctors to perform safe tonsil removals. For instance, they move the tonsils back and allow you to see points of bleeding. In addition, they help prevent the spread of infections in the neck.

The central handles have a light profile to increase your control in neck procedures. Moreover, we added angles to prevent finger slips and loss of place.

The Xelpov’s Mollison Tonsil Dissector and Retractor is 21.5 cm long to reach deep tissues.

We designed it with two 10 mm blades to meet wide indications. For your convenience, the oval semi-sharp blade performs clean dissections of the tonsil from its bed. The other blade pulls back the anterior tonsillar pillar. Furthermore, both blades have slender shafts so you can view the working tips clearly.

Xelpov’s Surgical manufacture ear devices from premium grade stainless steel that you can depend on for years of fine service.

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Working End Profile

One Dissector End Tip and One Retractor End Tip

Instrument Profile

Double Ended

Handle Type

Solid Handle

Overall Length

21 cm – 8 ¼"




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




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