Joseph Mucosa Hook

Xelpov’s Joseph Mucosa Hook is a popular device in ENT, plastic and general surgery, which surgeons can use to retract and hold flaps of tissue, in order to access deeper cavities within the surgical field.

  • Single or Double-Pronged Patterns to Suit All Needs.
  • Elongated Shaft Ensuring Deep Surgical Access.
  • 2.0 to 10.0mm Working End Sizes Available.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Maximum Control.

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The Joseph Mucosa Hook offers a wide array of benefits for ENT, general, and plastic surgeons. Its principal use is to grasp, retract, and elevate flaps of mucosa and other soft tissues, especially during rhinoplasty.

For this purpose, the instrument features a hook-shaped tip supplied with one or two sharp prongs. As a result, surgeons can embed the prongs in the desired tissue and easily retract a flap to reveal hidden structures. In addition, the size of the working end ranges from 2.0 to 10.0mm to traverse narrow spaces.

Moreover, the Joseph Mucosa Hook features a long, tapered shaft that permits to reach deep cavities. Also, the solid handle includes a knurled pattern surface that enhances the grip and prevents finger strain.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality and product performance during surgical procedures.

Additional information



Main Category




Handle Type

Round Handle

Overall Length

16.5 cm – 6 ½"




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




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