Obwegeser Third Molar Retractor

Xelpov’s Obwegeser Third Molar Retractor is a specialized device that dental and maxillofacial surgeons use to remove impacted wisdom teeth from their alveolar processes.

  • U-Shaped Blade to Promote Precise Retraction.
  • 22 x 70mm Blade Size for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Finger Ring Ensuring Superior Handling.

The Obwegeser Third Molar Retractor offers a wide array of surgical advantages. Its principal use is to remove impacted wisdom teeth from their respective dental arch.

For this purpose, the instrument features an L-shaped blade that ensures exceptional access and exposure of the oral cavity. In addition, its U-shaped edge accommodates to the alveolar process with comfort. As a result, surgeons can retract gingiva and assist in the extraction of the desired wisdom tooth.

Moreover, the Obwegeser Third Molar Retractor features a curved downwards terminal edge that suits different approaches. Furthermore, the handle has two fenestrations to insert fingers and prevent either fatigue and accidental slippage.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality instruments in your operating rooms.

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Working End Details

U Shaped Tip

Working End Profile

Curved Downwards

Handle Type

Ring Handle

Overall Length

24 cm – 9 ½"

Working End Size

22 x 70 mm




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




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